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The Difference Between Speed and Velocity: Maximizing Productivity


In today’s fast-paced world, productivity is highly valued. Many people believe that moving quickly, multitasking, and taking on numerous tasks simultaneously equate to productivity. However, it’s essential to recognize the difference between speed and velocity. Speed measures how fast you are moving, while velocity accounts for both speed and direction, ultimately measuring the rate of progress towards a specific goal. This distinction is crucial for achieving true productivity, simplifying your focus, and improving your results.

Velocity Over Speed

Let’s begin by distinguishing between velocity and speed. While these terms might remind you of a physics class, their applications go far beyond the world of science. Speed represents the rate of movement, measuring the distance traveled over a given time frame. On the other hand, velocity is more comprehensive, as it considers both speed and direction. In essence, velocity moves you toward a goal, while speed merely signifies movement.

Imagine being in a race where you run in a circle. You may move at a high speed, but ultimately, you’re not any closer to your destination. The critical point is that progress matters more than mere movement.

As Steve Jobs wisely stated, “You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying ‘no’ to 1,000 things.” To truly focus on your goals and make significant progress, you must prioritize and avoid the distractions that speed without direction brings.

The Impact of Focus on Velocity

Now, let’s explore how focus significantly impacts velocity in the context of work. Many of us find ourselves juggling multiple projects at the same time. While it may feel productive to work on several tasks simultaneously, the truth is that you’re spreading yourself thin. If you have five projects and only five usable hours per day, each project gets one hour of your time. This high level of multitasking may make you feel busy (speed), but it does not necessarily lead to the progress you desire (velocity).

To boost your velocity and truly get things done, it’s essential to make progress in the right direction. This involves two key steps:

Getting the Direction Right: To achieve velocity, you must ensure you’re moving in the right direction. In other words, your actions should align with your goals. Clarify your objectives, set priorities, and define your destination.

Concentrating Your Energy: Every bit of energy that doesn’t contribute to moving you in the right direction hinders progress. Therefore, you must concentrate your energy on what truly matters. It means eliminating distractions, unnecessary tasks, and other forms of “busyness” that divert your focus and energy.

Successful individuals distinguish themselves by their ability to say ‘no’ to distractions and non-essential tasks. Warren Buffett captured this concept perfectly: “The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything.”

Three Ways to Increase Velocity

Now, let’s explore three effective ways to enhance your velocity and optimize your productivity:

Ruthlessly Eliminate Unnecessary Tasks: To maximize your velocity, you must prioritize your most critical projects and ruthlessly shave away any unnecessary tasks, priorities, meetings, and distractions. Focus on the projects that genuinely matter and direct your energy towards them. The more you declutter your workday, the more you’ll find that your time becomes more productive and efficient.

Create Systems to Avoid Distractions: Relying solely on willpower to say ‘no’ to distractions can be challenging. Instead, create systems that help you fend off distractions automatically. For instance, develop daily routines or rules, such as a “no meeting mornings” policy, to allow your team to work without interruption on their most vital tasks. By systematizing your work habits, you can maintain your focus and maximize your productivity.

Politely Say ‘No’ to Your Boss: It might sound intimidating, but learning to say ‘no’ to your boss can be a powerful tool for boosting your velocity. Use a strategic approach to address new tasks or projects, such as asking, “How am I supposed to do that?” while considering your existing workload. Explain that saying ‘no’ will enable you to excel in the tasks that are most crucial to your job, and clarify how these tasks align with your boss’s performance and the company’s objectives.

By implementing these strategies and understanding the difference between speed and velocity, you can streamline your focus, maximize productivity, and experience tangible progress toward your goals.

Daily Case: Applying Velocity in a Real Business Scenario

Let’s examine how the concept of velocity can be applied in a real business scenario:

Case: XYZ Tech Solutions

XYZ Tech Solutions is a tech company with several ongoing projects. The employees are often overwhelmed with numerous tasks, leading to a sense of busyness but insufficient progress. The leadership at XYZ Tech Solutions recognizes the need to increase the company’s velocity and prioritize projects for maximum productivity.

Strategy to Enhance Velocity:

Project Prioritization: The first step is to assess the existing projects and prioritize them based on their alignment with the company’s long-term goals. Instead of having employees work on ten different projects, the company decides to focus on five key projects that are most critical to their growth and success.

Elimination of Distractions: XYZ Tech Solutions implements a “distraction-free” work environment during specific hours. This includes setting a “no meeting mornings” rule, allowing employees to work uninterruptedly on their designated projects during the morning hours when they are most productive.

Communication and Alignment: The leadership team communicates the importance of velocity and how it directly contributes to the company’s success. They align their team’s efforts with the company’s goals, emphasizing that concentrating their energy on key projects is essential for achieving progress.

As a result of these changes, XYZ Tech Solutions experiences a notable increase in productivity. The shift towards velocity over speed leads to more significant progress on their core projects, ultimately driving the company’s growth and success.


Understanding the difference between speed and velocity is crucial for achieving true productivity. While speed might make you feel busy, it’s velocity that drives progress. Focusing on the right direction and channeling your energy effectively are the keys to accomplishing your goals. By prioritizing essential tasks, creating systems to avoid distractions, and learning to say ‘no’ when necessary, you can enhance your velocity and achieve meaningful results. The case of XYZ Tech Solutions demonstrates how applying these principles can lead to tangible success in a real business scenario.

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